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Registration and Tuition


All tuition options currently available at GSW are listed here: Click here For Tuition Options

More details on our Apprenticeship Program, or our Magister program are listed here: Click here for Details

Due to various circumstances, tuition fees may need to change from time to time; but fees will be adjusted only to cover increased operating expenses and maintain our level of service; never to turn a profit. The Grey School of Wizardry is incorporated in the State of California as a non-profit educational institution.

Apprenticeship Program (11-17)
Monthly: $20

Yearly: $200

Apprenticeship Program (18+)
Monthly: $30
Yearly: $300

Magister Program (18+)
Monthly: $40

Yearly: $400

“Pending Tuition” Status:

When it is time for you to pay tuition, your GSW account will be moved, temporarily, into “Pending Tuition” status. During this time, you will be unable to access the school site or forums. As soon as you pay the tuition due, your access will be restored.

If you are unable to pay tuition at the time you are moved into “Pending Tuition” status, you should do so as quickly as possible. Although there is no “hard limit” on time spent under Pending status, there may come a time when the Pending roles are purged and your membership in the GSW revoked. If this happens, you are welcome to re-enroll at any time but will need to begin anew at Level 1.

Special Notes

Apprentices who reach L7 without completing a Major and graduating may continue as Apprentices under the usual 26 credits/Level structure.

For Apprentices who complete a Major, graduate, and want to continue to take GSW classes they may do so to earn additional Journeyman Certificates.

Captains do not pay tuition; Captains who “level up” should contact the Dean of Students; the Dean will arrange their access to the next level.
Members of staff, faculty, administration, and/or Board of Directors also do not pay tuition.


Scholarships and Financial Aid

The Grey School of Wizardry currently offers scholarship programs for Apprentices who might not be able to attend or continue their Wizardly education due to financial concerns.

To find out more about our Scholarship program, please click here.

Donations to the Grey School

Because our tuition prices are so low, the GSW is always looking for donations to help fund school improvements, web maintenance, etc. The Apprentice and faculty main pages feature “Donate” buttons, allowing a simple way to donate to the school. For questions, or if you would prefer to make a non-electronic donation, please contact

Dropping Out

While we don't like to see people Drop Out of GSW, we understand that things come up from time to time which call on us to momentarily put our education aside. To drop out of enrollment at GSW, please follow the steps below. 

If you Enrolled at GSW before 7/31/2021 and have not paid enrollment on the current system,
please contact for assistance dropping out.

Step One

Log Into your account on the forums.


Step Two

Click on the down arrow Icon located in the upper right as a part of the Account Bar


Step Three

In the Account Bar Drop Down Menu, Click "My Subscriptions"


Step Four

In your Tuitions Page, click on the "Active" button of the Tuition you wish to Drop Out from.


Step Five

Click "Drop Out". After Clicking "Drop Out" You will be prompted asking if you are sure and at this point you can click "Yes,Cancel"


When you're ready to rejoin GSW simply log in with your account and select the tuition option that works best for you! It is important to note: We ask that Enrollee's be patient and allow 1-3 days for their enrollment payments to be processed and their class account to be activated.

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